# 翻译 Oct.07 · 2022
Does fat shaming help people lose weight?
After US talkshow host Bill Maher called for fat shaming to "make a comeback", fellow host James Corden's impassioned response won widespread support online.
make a comeback:卷土重来
"It's proven that fat shaming only does one thing, " he said. "It makes people feel ashamed and shame leads to depression, anxiety and self-destructive behaviour — self-destructive behaviour like overeating."
他说到:“经过证实,肥胖羞耻只会导致一件事,就是让肥胖的人感到羞耻,并且羞耻会导致心情沮丧、焦虑和自残行为 —— 像暴饮暴食”
A study by behavioural scientists at University College London found rather than encouraging people to lose weight, fat shaming led people to put on more weight.
rather than:而不是、而不
Victoria Abraham, 19, lives and studies in New York City, but grew up in Florida. She says that her first hand experience shows Mr Maher is wrong about fat shaming. "I have been shamed my entire life for my weight and I am still fat. When nasty comments were made to me as a child I used to go home after school and eat food to make myself feel better."
entire life:整个生命
Victoria also acknowledges the health impacts of obesity. "I have tried most of them and you just put the weight back on after the diet. Now I just try and do more exercise and eat healthier things."
"It's a very hard conversation to have, " Jane Ogden, a professor of health psychology at the University of Surrey, told the BBC.
"The evidence out there for the impact of excess bodyweight and obesity — on cancer, on diabetes, on heart disease — is very clear. And that's education we need to have out there."
"But because the line between getting that message out there and then actually making someone feel ashamed of who they are is so fine, those conversations are very difficult."
# 生肉 Does fat shaming help people lose weight?
After US talkshow host Bill Maher called for fat shaming to "make a comeback", fellow host James Corden's impassioned response won widespread support online.
"It's proven that fat shaming only does one thing, " he said. "It makes people feel ashamed and shame leads to depression, anxiety and self-destructive behaviour — self-destructive behaviour like overeating."
A study by behavioural scientists at University College London found rather than encouraging people to lose weight, fat shaming led people to put on more weight.
Victoria Abraham, 19, lives and studies in New York City, but grew up in Florida. She says that her first hand experience shows Mr Maher is wrong about fat shaming. "I have been shamed my entire life for my weight and I am still fat. When nasty comments were made to me as a child I used to go home after school and eat food to make myself feel better.
Victoria also acknowledges the health impacts of obesity. "I have tried most of them and you just put the weight back on after the diet. Now I just try and do more exercise and eat healthier things." "It's a very hard conversation to have, " Jane Ogden, a professor of health psychology at the University of Surrey, told the BBC.
"The evidence out there for the impact of excess bodyweight and obesity — on cancer, on diabetes, on heart disease — is very clear. And that's education we need to have out there."
"But because the line between getting that message out there and then actually making someone feel ashamed of who they are is so fine, those conversations are very difficult."